Thursday, August 11, 2011


Teresa Donna Locklear left this physical earth Monday afternoon, August  8, 2011.  Teresa was born on June 15, 1961 in Atlanta, Georgia to John Paul and Carolyn Hiers Locklear. Minutes later she was joined by a twin sister, Tracy Lisa. Both girls were preceded by an older brother John Paul, Jr. and five years after their birth received another sister, Elizabeth Caroline. 
During her school days, Teresa competed on swim teams, played volleyball and was a member of the high school track team.  Teresa worked as a lifeguard in college and revelled that this was the position she most enjoyed throughout her life.
Teresa graduated from the University of Georgia in 1985 with a BBA in Marketing.  She was most recently employed as consultant with Deloitte, LLP in Northern Virginia where she obtained a security clearance for her work that was often difficult to acquire.
Remaining here still are her father, John Paul Locklear, Sr. and brother John Paul Locklear, Jr. of Dahlonega, GA; sister Tracy Locklear Burr of Pasadena, CA and sister Beth Locklear Polak of Richmond, VA.  She also has extended family, brother-in-law David Polak, niece Sage Emma Polak and nephew Noah David Polak all of Richmond, VA and brother-in-law Greg Burr of Pasadena, CA. 
Teresa also served as Godmother to two children, Lars Gerritz  and Liz Weidman both of Northern Virginia.  
Teresa was a loving, giving and loyal sister, auntie and godmother. She will be greatly missed by her family and friends ---but forever cherished! She fought hard to live and we will always remember her incredible courage and strength.  She had hope and she gave us hope.  She taught us how to love and how to be still. She taught us how to be.


MDRBC said...

Thank you Beth for creating this blog.
In conclusion, Teresa, thank you for coming into my life and adding what you did:)and thank you for adding to all the lives in the One Year Seminar Training (OYS) group as well as the MDRBC community. "Thank you Teresa, for being in my life and for teaching us by your passing on, "how precious" this life we have is, and the importance of family and friends.
God Bless you Teresa, wherever you are!
Love, blessings and gratitude,
Your friend, and former guide and teacher,
Aaron (Lehano)

MDRBC said...

Teresa, was a client and student and friend of the MDRBC. She opened her home several times to "our" OYS and MDRBC group for our special OYS Training Days during the 2009-2010. She was an inspiration to many others in the community as a strong, caring and generous woman. She was direct in her communications, sensitive, kind and considerate, and funny. She had a keen intellect and liked to analyze things. She took time to look at not only the "why" but also the "what" and her part in it. She was a hard worker and diligent about her work, career and relationships.
For me, Aaron Starr (MDRBC- Founder, RB Trainer/Facilitator)I watched and assisted Teresa in her personal growth, discerning weaknesses she perceived,then courageously choosing actions to make positive changes in herself by applying what she had learned. She continuously strove to better herself and improve things around her. She very generously and gladly, (several times during our OYS Training year), opened her home for the Day to our training gp. and allowed me (and some of MDRBC friends and staff) to come set up the night before transforming her home into a training space for a day, thus allowing for each participant to learn together. She was a good example to the other participants that by "giving to others" we are blessed in return. Teresa was also fun to be with and was FUNNY too. Usually very direct in her communications and straight forward in her dealings with others. She continuously learned and grew each day because she was committed to both, learning and applying what she learned to "better herself". She practiced daily "gratitude" -focusing ea. day on people and things in her life that she was grateful for as well as, for what came her way and what she learned. I saw over the 3 yrs. how she became more clear thinking and even stronger as an individual with a growing "inner peacefulness" and contentment, more sensitive, better at "self care". She learned to actively forgive both, herself for her perceived errors, as well as, others for their past offenses, thus, I saw Teresa more able to give love and care to her family and friends.
Personally, I felt proud of her and all her accomplishments.

MDRBC said...

I'm grateful to have known her, honored to have taught and assisted her, and worked with her with her goals for herself. I can see her death not as a failure to her healing, but as a success. Because the outcome of all our lives,(in my opinion), regardless of what it looks like, is in God's care.
My sincerest and deepest regards to Teresa's entire family, and friends, and to all that loved or cared about her.
I know she is at least, now pain-free and struggle free, and more peaceful.
I acknowledge her sister Beth, for all her efforts, caring for her and reaching out to those that the family didn't know who Teresa knew, to the MDRBC community in MD/DC/VA. I also acknowl. the rest of Teresa's family that cared for her during her last months, weeks, and days prior to her passing on.
And with all respect to those that may feel differently, I also want to say for myself (and many others) that Teresa is for "us", alive in our hearts and minds.
I can say, that although I only knew Teresa for just a few years, she has touched my heart and positively influenced my life for the good, forever.
And though this was a long post, that it will be read in the spirit that it was written, of love and care and friendship. I now wish Teresa, and her family peace. throughout these life transitions.
Blessings to all-
Aaron Starr

Anonymous said...

I loved seeing these photos of Teresa at various stages of her life. It made me happy to see the photos and to read about her life. Great hair, Teresa!!

Thank you, Beth, for taking the time to set up this blog. I look forward to being able to post more and keep in touch.

I feel grateful to Teresa for bringing us together. I have this poster in my classroom where I teach second grade that says, "We are all one family under the same sky." (and in many other realms as well, right Teresa?)